Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Miniart 1/35 - U.S. WWII Motorcycle WLA


I've been putting off finishing this little gem for some time now. For some reason this model has been fighting me at every step. Mostly due to my large fingers and the floor. After about a year of sitting in the stash I have finally finished my WLA. I might add a few things on the back, I'm just not sure yet. I do plan of fitting it on the back of a CCKW tied to the rails.

I started off with a base cote of Tamiya Olive drab. With highlights in Vallejo green colored paints. As this being airbrushed nearly a year ago, I have forgotten what paints I exactly used.

The larger saddlebags were painted a tan color for the forcible oil wash of raw umber and burnt sienna. The seat what painted in a similar tan color, lightened with white. For the engine I used Model Masters Metalizer Exhaust mixed with Magnesium. A pin wash of various AK Interactive brown and dark colored washes were used. I had decided to use some dry transfers for the stars on the fuel tank. A layer of Testors Dull-cote seal everything nicely. 

The final dist layer was created with airbrushed AK dust wash and stumped with spirits and a medium pointed brush. Seal with dull-cote again and finished. For now....