Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wood Planks

I've been experimenting with a side project that I never finished. I needed two wood planks to use on the back of a CCKW. There to be used for a wood plank ram to load a mothercycle on the back of the truck bed. 

I stared by cutting two basswood strips from my stock and texturing them with a hobby knife at a horizontal angel and then gauging the edges for some damage. The wood is a bit bright so a base cote of Tamiya Wooden Deck Tan - XF-78 was airbrushed with lacquer thinner. I continued with a wash of Raw Umber and Ivory Black oil paint. After drying I dry brushed them with the same oil paints minus the wash.

I continued with a wash of Raw Umber and Ivory Black oil paint. After drying I dry brushed them with the same oil paints minus the wash.